[Fic] Colls: The Future Is Cold

Sep 29, 2012 00:22

[ Minor Characters ]
Title: The Future is Cold
Writer: Colls
Alternate links: On AO3
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Pamela, Rufus, Bobby, Ellen
Rating: PG
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]None
Summary: Pamela has lost her vision, but hasn't lost her sight.

Reccer's notes: Don't get me wrong, the Winchesters are great, but I love fic that helps build a sense of reality to the world outside of them. I love the familiarity between Rufus, Bobby, and Pamela in this, and the concept manages to be logical, heartbreaking, and yet something that is rarely covered in fic.

[Short excerpt]Rufus and Pamela traveled in companionable silence and she smiled slightly as the afternoon sun warmed her face. The cab of the pickup smelled like coffee, gun oil and french fries. Since the novelty of teasing him about a wild goose chase had worn off a couple hundred miles ago, Pamela rested her head on the back of the seat and heard Bobby's voice.

"This is the last time I'm eating McDonald's.” Bobby curses as a tomato escapes his sandwich and falls onto his lap. “We stop for dinner. I don't care if a vengeful ghost is sitting at the table next to us or not. We stop."

"So that's why Bobby doesn't like McDonald's. You forced it on him." Pamela said, reaching into the paper bag for a handful of fries.

t: s4, *challenges, c: ellen harvelle, *gen, ^fic, c: pamela barnes, c: rufus turner, c: bobby singer, fic: 1-5k, *minor character

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