[Fic] Lettered: They Don't Tell Us Anything

Sep 19, 2012 22:32

[ Minor Characters ]
Title: They Don't Tell Us Anything
Alternate links: Also on Dreamwidth.
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sera Gamble, various writers, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, the Impala, and Sam's hair
Rating: PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents:  None
Length: 4,500 words
Summary: This is how they wrote that episode, and what the actors thought when they saw the script.

Reccer's notes: A hilarious look inside the writer's room in Supernatural, Bens and all. Writer's RPF isn't something you see a lot of in this fandom, but with work like this in mind, I'll be on the lookout for more of it to come.

[Short excerpt]Sera just waved a hand. “It doesn’t matter. The plot can really be any old thing. When you think about it, you can make anything about Sam and Dean. Take pie. Take cars. Take brothers! These two ghosts. Make them brothers. Or sisters. In fact, it’s better if they’re sisters. Less direct that way.”

“It’s pretty direct,” said Ben.

“He’s new,” said Ben.

Sera didn’t look upset. “You remember storyboarding, right?”

Ben looked at Ben. They remembered storyboarding. Mostly they remembered Eric Kripke, waving his arms and telling anyone who would listen that Misha Collins was crazy. They also remembered Helpful Ben-that was the Old Ben, who’d they’d taken to calling Kenobi-teaching them about real person fanfic. And Sera had taught them about fan service. And then Becky had taught them about incest.

“Oh,” said Ben. “You mean about how if you can’t be subtle, you have to beat things over the head.”

“Until it bleeds,” said Ben. “And then people think it’s funny.”

“Now you’re getting it,” said Sera. “Supernatural isn’t subtle. Sibling ghosts.”

“Good idea,” said Ben.

“It’s funny,” said Ben.

c: jensen ackles, c: impala, c: ben acker, c: ben edlund, ^fic, c: ben blacker, c: sera gamble, t: s7, t: sam's hair, fic: 1-5k, *minor character, t: crack, c: jared padalecki

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