[Fic] ficwriter1966: And the Winner Is...

Sep 17, 2012 22:43

[ Gen ]
Title: And the Winner Is...
Writer: ficwriter1966
Status of work: part of an on-going 'verse, but stands alone
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG
Warnings, kinks & contents: none
Length: 1485
Summary: The boys have retired to Alliance, Iowa, population 500-ish. And Dean wins a little something.

Reccer's notes: Carol creates some of the most connected, in-character, warm curtain!fic out there and this little slice-of-life is a perfect sample. Quite simply, she writes brilliant Gen tales. Farm!verse is her take on the Winchesters' retirement and I'm just now digging into her longer stories. The banter is snappy and rings true without wallowing in sap but the boys are still solidly in each other's back pockets. Carol's LJ is a wealth of great SPN reading!

[Short excerpt]"THERE," Dean announced. Triumph was wrapped around him like a cloak.

c: sam winchester, t: set in the future, fic: 1-5k, c: dean winchester, *gen, ^fic

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