[art] lastlabyrinth: The Other Team Free Will

Sep 14, 2012 10:24

[ Random: gen ]
Title: The Other Team Free Will
Artist: lastlabyrinth
Alternate links: deviantArt
Characters and/or pairings: Jo, Ellen, Ash
Rating: G
Warnings, kinks & contents: none
Medium: digital
Short description: Ellen, Jo and Ash look badass.

Reccer's notes: Lastlabyrinth is a super awesome fanartist, her most well-known fanart must be the hilarious and accurate Jeopardy piece. I've picked this one to rec because fanart of Ellen, Ash and Jo is pretty rare and I have a huge soft spot for supporting cast being portrayed. I really love how clean and stylish it is, a good cartoon portrayal is so hard to pull off! But seriously, do yourself a favor and just browse through her art tag.

c: jo harvelle, art: digital, *random, c: ellen harvelle, *gen

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