[other] multiple authors: Breakfast Verse

Sep 01, 2012 11:49

[ Random ]
Title: Breakfast Verse (since this is an ongoing thing, I linked to one of the more recent reblogs)
Creator: rubato (initial fic) and others (callowyn, a-walking-blasphemy), carryonupthemorning (image poster)
Type: tumblr (tag)fic = photo + words
Rating: PG
Summary: I’m the one who gripped you tight and plunged you to nutrition. (Reccer's summary)
Warnings, kinks & contents: crack

Reccer's notes: Find out why Egg!Dean and Salt!Sam are accurate and why the theory that Chuck is God totally makes sense. A great read while eating breakfast but beware, you might weep from laughter and be unable to finish eating.

*random, ^other, *gen, t: crack

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