[Fic] anonymous: untitled

Aug 23, 2012 23:41

[ Themed: Transformed Characters ]
Title: untitled
Writer: anonymous
Status of work: Complete.
Characters and/or pairings: marionberry pie!Sam, Dean
Rating: G
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]implied cannibalism(ish)
Length: ~1000 words
Summary: As Sam Winchester awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a marionberry pie.

Reccer's notes: In which Dean has his brother and eats him, too. I just. Pie. Kafka. Sam. Sort-of Cannibalism. How can you go wrong? I love the way this author turns a fun, cracky premise and explores its darker edges--Supernatural's MO if ever they had one.

c: sam winchester, fic: 0-1k, *themed, c: dean winchester, t: characters as objects/animals, t: body horror, t: crack

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