[art] rustedknees: composed of shards made whole

Apr 26, 2014 10:55

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Title: composed of shards made whole
Characters and/or pairings: Sam
Rating: SFW
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]none
Medium: digital
Short description: Sam portrait: "Composed of shards made whole/Dirty, stained/But complete."

Reccer's notes: You all know by now that allegorical Sam art is one of my favorite things, and this is a lovely example. Its light and darkness, somber but rich coloring, the hatching on Sam's face, all underscore the sense of wholeness made up of laboriously pieced fragments which is the essence of Sam. A painful but hopeful piece.

c: sam winchester, ^art, visual rating: sfw, art: digital, *random

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