[fic] hanyou_elf: Simple Man

Apr 19, 2014 23:01

[ Hooker!fic ]

Title: Simple Man
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean, Dean/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read](LIST WARNINGS HERE)
Length: 5,500
Summary: Dean's a simple man. Everything simply revolves around Sammy.

Reccer's notes: An utterly gutting story where Dean sacrifices everything to keep Sam safe. Totally the low self esteem Dean of Canon, and then there's Sam.

[Short excerpt]Dean licked his lips and blinked slowly staring at the man standing before him. He couldn't believe he was about to do this. But Sammy needed those shoes. Desperately. He was literally walking out of the shoes he owned now. And Dad had been gone for too long, he hadn't called in nearly a week.

Dean was determined to take care of Sammy. Sam didn't understand what was going on, didn't understand how to sacrifice more than he was already asked to give up. Dean would not let him give up this final piece of his childhood. He would not allow Sammy to lose the little bit of his precious innocence. He refused to.

fic: 5-15k, t: hurt/comfort, c: dean winchester, t: first times, ^fic, c: sam winchester, t: angst, *themed, *sam/dean

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