Title: Waterstains Writer: leonidaslion Status of work: Complete Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean Rating: NC-17 Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read] non-con, dub-con, religious themes, priest!Dean, bad!Sam Length: 7000 words Summary: Dean Winchester found his calling in a rundown church in Idaho when he was thirteen and never looked back. Of course, he's never met anyone like this before either...
Reccer's notes: Continuing the religious theme (because I have a 'thing'), this little piece of Heaven from a fandom stalwart makes me wish I could wipe it from my memory so I could experience the sheer thrill the climax of the story gave me all over again. I imagine most readers are familiar with Leo's body of work, but for anyone who hasn't stumbled across this gem yet, you are in for a treat. This is just a perfect story. It is so infused with longing and sexual tension and guilt that you can almost smell the incense and sweat as you read. I especially love the characterisation. Dean absolutely retains his raw, tortured, BAMFy essence. And Sam...well, Sam is just delicious. The last line still makes me kick my legs in glee.