April reccers

Mar 31, 2014 23:59

Hello, hello. March reccers still have a little less than a day to squeeze in another rec or two. Posting's closed for March reccers. April reccers have been granted posting access.

In the meantime, we're looking for April reccers, so please drop us a line in the comments here, if you are interested.

This is our reccing team for April:

Sam/Dean: pinkwithoutplot
J2: tebtosca
Gen: justmep2
Rarepair FPF:
Other RPF: jalu2
Minor characters:
Themed: meus-venator
Challenges: fourtenpm
Random: de_nugis
Invited Reccer: -----

And remember that you have to join the community in order for us to give you posting access! :)

mod: laconicisms, !mod post

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