[fic] ygrawn: Second Glance

Feb 28, 2014 16:15

[ Sam/Dean ]

Title: Second Glance
Writer: ygrawn
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]mentions of non-explicit underage sex
Length: 4,600
Summary: John is only ever a second glance to his boys, who see each other first, always first, with little room at the edges of their vision for anybody else.

Reccer's notes: Pulling out an oldie here, and a goodie. The writing here, guys. The writing.  The author states that it's a bit of an experiment; the fic itself is 4.6k and those 4.6k happen in nine masterful sentences, but don't let those large blocks of text throw you off. It's got a rhythm to it, a drive that pushes the reader along, beautiful turns of phrase and crystal clear insight into what it must have been like to hide their relationship in plain sight of their father (except in all the ways that they don't).

[Short excerpt](Dean with a thousand scars and a heart of steel, and a fierce stoicism that makes John think perhaps there is some British in their family line, and Sam with his whole heart turned towards Dean, so really Dean carries it all and his heart is steel except for the part that has Sam’s name etched into the surface and that part is softer than Mary’s hair once was)

c: john winchester, *sam/dean, fic: 1-5k, t: underage, ^fic

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