[Art] smallworld-inc: Douce France

Feb 27, 2014 23:25

[ Dean/Castiel ]

Title: Douce France
Artist: smallworld-inc
Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Cas
Rating: sfw
Medium: Digital
Short description: Dean Winchester is a 22 year old American student sent to France by his parents to explore the country. After only a couple of weeks spent in the land of Camembert he falls for Castiel, an eccentric young Frenchman who is travelling south in his caravan.

Reccer's notes: This is just such an adorable comic, and her art is always amazingly beautiful. I love the plot of them being old and still loving each other so much and getting married when it's finally legal...so romantic ♥U♥ so damn adorable.

^art, *dean/castiel

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