[art]marikaArt: Home

Feb 27, 2014 12:08

[ Sam/Dean ]

Title: Home
Artist: marikaArt
Alternate links: tumblr
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: none given by the artist--reccer's rating: PG; SFW
Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]Character death (although I didn't realize it at first and interpreted it completely differently!)
Medium: digital
Short description: The title pretty much says it all.

Reccer's notes: Things I love about this: the monochrome palette, the bright slashes of color, light and shadow, Sam quiet and peaceful, the intimacy, Dean's thousand yard stare, the gun in his hand and the vulnerable, exposed stretch of his neck, and, well, Sam's hair (let's admit it, much of my life boils down to how I feel about Sam's hair). I look at this painting and want to know what led up to this quiet little moment, and what happens after.

c: sam winchester, visual rating: sfw, t: slash, art: digital, *sam/dean, c: dean winchester

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