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Comments 8

tebtosca February 9 2014, 02:05:28 UTC
One of my all-time favorite fics. So good.


meus_venator February 9 2014, 02:17:49 UTC
Yes, she sure can write the pants off our boys….literally! : )


amberdreams February 9 2014, 21:28:57 UTC
I concur...


meus_venator February 9 2014, 22:21:04 UTC
Poor, poor Jensen.


big_heart_june February 9 2014, 21:38:51 UTC
Yes, this. so much so. but every single thing she writes really. Amazing talent ♥


meus_venator February 9 2014, 22:21:40 UTC
Yes, we're so lucky to have her in our fandom. : )


tryfanstone February 11 2014, 14:00:40 UTC
I'm awfully glad you hated Jared just a little bit! otherwise, I am Doing My Job Wrong....

meus_venator, thank you. It's so good to know you liked this story enough to rec it - I'm fond of this one, so it means a lot. And...really, really oddly, the night you rec'd this was the night I re-read the start of the sequel and thought, huh, maybe this isn't so bad as I've been thinking it was.... So, yeah, sequel sometime!

- hope very much all is well with you and your writing!


meus_venator February 11 2014, 16:49:51 UTC
Oh you succeeded in making me not like Jared very much. I have to say I do love the predator aspect though, when either boy plots to get what he wants from the other… shivery goodness.
Glad to know I'm not making rumours of sequels up! Take your time. It's just something lovely too look forward to.

And all is well, the more I write, the more I learn how much I don't know LOL I'm sure that's true no matter how good you get otherwise you're not doing it right! : )


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