Title: Art Masterpost Artist: thimblings Alternate links: Tumblr Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Castiel Rating: sfw Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]horror elements Medium: digital Short description: The Dark Side of the Moon art masterpost, as made for the 2013 Dean/Castiel Big Bang.
Reccer's notes: I adore the poster. I'd rec the masterpost on my love for the poster alone, with its simple design, bold lines, and the small figure set against a huge black expanse. The rest of the art certainly warrants checking out, however,and I enjoy that the artist worked in a couple different styles. The black and white drawings of moon rocks and Dean's awe upon landing have a nice, graphic feel, and the richly colored paintings really drive home the emotions in each scene. The grasping, shadowy hands capture the horror of Dean's hallucinations, and I like the simple solidity of the figures in their floating kiss.