[ Dean/Castiel ] Title: Untitled Purgatory Series Writer: alicat713 Alternate links: Catboatventure @ Tumblr Status of work: Complete Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Castiel (pre-slash), Sam, Jody Mills, Claire Novak/Jesse Turner Rating: PG-13 Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]some gory images Length: 44,000+ Summary: Purgatory, it seems, is not just filled with physical monsters, but with psychological ones as well.
Reccer's notes: There's been a lot of wonderful fanwork created this long hiatus tackling Dean and Castiel's time in Purgatory, especially on sites such as tumblr where artists and writers have come together to let their imaginations flow. This series is one of my favorites so far -- a drabble-a-day series that is a journey within a journey within a journey. The author's ficlets offer imaginative sketches of Purgatory, dipping into Dean and Castiel's headspaces in ways that feel true to their characters. The shadowy landscapes, both physical and emotional, will draw you in, and offer many surprises along the way.