[vid] Graphic in Motion: The Way

Nov 30, 2013 15:58

[ CHALLENGES - SPN J2 Xmas exchange ]
Title: The Way
Vidder: graphicinmotion
Alternate links: YouTube
Length of vid: ~4:30
Rating: PG (per me, for blood)
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, with flickers of Dean
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]allusions to suicide
Audio used: Zack Hemsey
Summary: "I can't predict my path, but they can't fully see my past || I'm running from the flash but heading straight inside the blast || A mountain full of ego built upon a heap of trash || Is exactly what you get when you can't fully do the math". Sam Winchester character study.

Reccer's notes: Loki has done it again: created a polished, emotionally pointed exposé of one of our favorite characters--certainly one of mine, anyway! We all struggle with our demons, but how much more devastating is it when so much is spinning wildly out of our control? It really is no wonder Sam feels, on occasion, his life is better off ended than continuing on as an implement of harm. And holy smokes, can he do some harm ...

The music is great, the editing is smooth as glass, the whole shebang is deliciously dark, powerful, even a little hopeful!

c: sam winchester, *challenges, ^vids, *gen, vid: 3-5min

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