[ Sam/Dean ] Title: Untitled Art Artist: orukaz/apfelgranate on tumblr Alternate links: smaller image, but without page breaks Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean Rating: PG-13 Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]some blood, non-explicit sex Medium: digital Short description: A slightly spooky fanart/comic with Wincest and hints of dark!Dean.
Reccer's notes: This short comic has incredible visual flow and makes great design choices. I love the way it just pulls your eye smoothly from panel to panel and through each scene, sucking you into the story and right down the page. The succinct and cutting word choice and the stark red-and-black color scheme are just the cherry on top. It also doesn't hurt that I love scary!Dean, and this sweetly ominous comic is a tantalizing specimen of the genre.