Title: Cut My Thoughts for Coconuts Writer: kroki_refur Status of work: complete Characters and/or pairings: Dean, Sam, OMC; no pairings Rating: PG-13 Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]language, show-level violence Length: 3,361 Summary: In the author's own words: "Hi, fandom. You seem to like talking about Stuff today. You know what I think we should talk about? Winchesters in cages, that's what."
Reccer's notes: This story can proudly stand amongst those that impress with a spot-on characterization of Sam and Dean. In addition, this one intrigues by filtering all observations through an OC's panic-tinged mind. The outsider's POV perfectly supports the story's momentum and adds a smidge of desperation to the events that results in a bitter-sweet but humorous read - intense and funny in that special, Winchester-patented we-could-all-die-here flavor.