November's reccers

Nov 01, 2013 17:11

A great, big thank you to our October reccers and an equally big welcome to our November reccers - as you can see, there's still plenty to snatch up if you've seen some goodies lately you'd like to share with the class :).

This is our current team for November so far:

J2: tebtosca
Gen: soserendipity
Het: kalliel
Rarepair FPF: scarletscarlet
Other RPF: -
Minor characters: salty_catfish
Challenges: quickreaver
Random: geckoholic
Crossover: antrazi

If you'd like to sign up for any of the categories that still need a reccer simply comment to this post.

Reccers, remember that you have to join the community in order for us to give you posting access! :)

mod: laconicisms, !mod post

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