[meta] netweight: The nonnies made them do it!

Oct 30, 2013 20:12

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Title: The nonnies made them do it!
Writer: netweight
Alternate links: DW (with more discussion!)
Status of meta: complete
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]discusses various kinks
Meta's thesis: The beginnings of Alpha/Beta/Omega fic in SPN fandom.

Reccer's notes: If you feel like catching up on your fannish history today I recommend this very thorough text about the genesis of the now ubiquitous a/b/o trope in SPN fandom. It has tons of links, a timeline and it's simply a fun read!

[Short excerpt]"Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics" (also known as "Omegaverse" and often just abbreviated to "A/B/O") is a genre combining a series of tropes, creating a shared universe, which originated in SPN / SPN-RPF fandom in between the Summers of 2010 and 2011, very much as a product of anon activity, whether taking place in fic communities that relied on anon participation or in more general anonymous discussion comms.

The present text aims at providing an account of how it arose, or at least make a decent stab at it. Because, as someone at LJcommfail_fandomanon said, "half my impetus for getting into a/b/o was because I just wanted to know how it happened. How does fandom build an entire trope basically from the ground up? It's fascinating to me." And they're not alone in this sentiment, as it was fascinating for those who watched it happen too.

t: kink, *random, ^meta, t: a/b/o

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