[vid] volta1228: Purgatory

Oct 29, 2013 12:34

[ Random: Gen ]
Title: Purgatory
Vidder: Scarlett/volta1228
Length of vid: 1:54
Rating: R
Characters and/or pairings: Dean, Benny, Castiel, monsters
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]show-level violence
Audio used: instrumental (detailed info not listed)
Summary: Mock opening sequence for a Purgatory spin-off

Reccer's notes: You should watch this because it has some really neat effects editing and because it's not remixing existing SPN footage but rather goes for a graphical look, similar to paper cut-out silhouettes. One of the coolest SPN vids I've seen!

c: castiel, c: benny lafitte, *random, ^vids, c: dean winchester, *gen, vid: 1-3min

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