[ Challenges ] Title: Savage Angel Artist: maichan Characters and/or pairings: Misha Collins/Queen Elizabeth II Rating: PG-13 (reccer's rating) Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]royal cleavage? Medium: digital Short description: GISHWISHES entry; cover art for a hypothetical romance novel pairing Misha and the Queen of England
Reccer's notes: Mods, please agree that GISHWISHES is a challenge under the meaning of the act, because OMG, this is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. If you've ever felt dirtybadwrong after looking at soulfisting gifs over and over, it will be ten times worse after this. At the same time, it's beautifully done, in the portraiture and the care with the Queen's outfit and the play with romance novel cover genre conventions and the capacity to make me wish that that book existed and I could read it. Challenges are about fans stretching their boundaries and having fun; this certainly seems to involve both.