[fic] killabeez: hum a few bars, we'll remember the tune
Aug 19, 2013 18:02
[ Challenges ] Title: hum a few bars, we'll remember the tune Writer: killabeez Status of work: complete Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean Rating: PG Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]none Length: ~1490 Summary: Robo-Sam didn't sleep, but Sam needs to. Big brother to the rescue.
Reccer's notes: Continuing with works from smaller, now-maybe-lost-to-us challenges, this fic, gencest at its finest, is from silverbullets, a schmoop equivalent to salt_burn_porn. Tired!Sam is one of my bulletproof kinks, but this is also a portrait of Dean caught between the relief of having souled!Sam back and the fear of knowing that having Sam always means the possibility of loss. Read for the gen cuddling and the satisfaction of catching Sam and Dean at one of the secure points in their ever-fluctuating trust issues.