[Fic] snarky_cat: Dazed and Confused

Jul 26, 2012 20:02

[ Dean/Castiel ]
Title: Dazed and Confused
Writer: snarky_kat
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Castiel preslash (or gen friendship)
Rating: PG
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]"Missing scene" set between 5.04 and 5.05.
Length: 900+
Summary: In which Dean plans ahead, Sam is rather confused, and Castiel just wants a beer.

Reccer's notes: This is a friendship-centric coda to 5.04 "The End", after Dean's come back from the Croat-verse and reunited with Sam. This story is told from Sam's point of view, so he's understandably bewildered by some of Dean's behaviour, especially regarding the changed way he treats Castiel. Subtle, sweet and funny.

c: castiel, fic: 0-1k, t: s5, c: dean winchester, ^fic, c: sam winchester, t: episode coda, *dean/castiel

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