[ART] artsyunderstudy: [untitled]

Jul 31, 2013 23:23

[ Random: Crossover w/ Harry Potter ]
Title: [untitled]
Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Castiel
Rating: SFW
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]None.
Medium: Digital.
Short description: Triwizard Tournament AU - Dean finds Cas at the bottom of The Black Lake

Reccer's notes: First off, this is the perfect crossover rec for Harry Potter's birthday. Second - I really like the way artsyunderstudy does floating and how the image portrays a feeling of weightlessness. Third - I like the parallels. In canon, it's Castiel who saves Dean from the pit (underground, fiery) before caring about or liking Dean, but here it's Dean who dives down to save Castiel from water when he obviously already cares about Castiel.

c: castiel, t: fusions, visual rating: sfw, art: digital, c: dean winchester, *crossovers, t: au: noncanonical, ^art, *random, *dean/castiel

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