[ART] becc-j: Closing The Gates of Hell

Jul 30, 2013 23:45

[ Random: gen ]
Title: Closing The Gates of Hell
Artist: becc-j
Alternate links: On tumblr
Characters and/or pairings: Sam & Dean.
Rating: SFW
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]None.
Medium: Digital, I suspect.
Short description: An AU for the last trial.

Reccer's notes: There is so much emotion running through this work: Sam's acceptance, Dean's denial. I love how Sam is the *visual* center of the piece and that it takes a second to spot Dean almost fading into the background, when it's him who gives the piece its emotional punch.

The colors, the structure, the perspective, Sam's hands - I love all of these, and then some.


t: s8, visual rating: sfw, t: hell, art: digital, c: dean winchester, *gen, c: sam winchester, ^art, *random

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