[Fic] lies_unfurl: I Found Him Not

Jul 28, 2013 09:16

[ Gen ]
Title: I Found Him Not
Writer: lies_unfurl
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Claire Novak, Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~4500
Summary: S5. Castiel and Claire are both looking for their fathers. Their paths eventually meet up.

Reccer's notes: I absolutely adore the way that Claire and Castiel's searches dovetail here, the way the Winchesters and the rest of the world fill in the background. All of the little details, the international feel Castiel lends to the piece, the deeply personal fibers Claire brings--it's just exquisite.

[Short excerpt]In New York there are three new men standing on the streets with signs, claiming to have received messages from God Himself about the end of days. Castiel visits all three of them and quickly verifies that none of them are being sincere.

In Reykjavik, a boy wakes up at his own funeral. Castiel is disappointed to learn that this was due to a team of faulty doctors, not divine intervention.

In Tennessee, Sam and Dean puzzle over a translation. Castiel stops in to look over it and inform them that it's nothing but directions on how to open a portal to the Sixth Circle. They burn it together.

In Tehran, a blind man claims to have been visited by angels. Castiel approaches him with caution, sees that he has indeed been marked by Heaven, and leaves in a hurry. Only one of his brothers is quick enough to follow him, and it's a cupid, of all things. They've got everyone on battle duty, he thinks as the nearly-naked corpse drops to the ground, which means that they must be getting desperate. He wonders how many of them have been killed so far. If Balthazar is still alive, or Inias, or Hester.

There's still no sign of God, and as Castiel stands invisibly watching a bazaar in Kabul, fingering the amulet that he got from Dean, he wonders how much longer he'll have to look. He's willing to go as long as it takes, of course he is-but still. He wonders.

c: castiel, t: s5, fic: 1-5k, c: claire novak, *gen, ^fic

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