[Fic] pigeongirl99: The Texas Resistance

Jul 26, 2012 00:28

[ Moresomes]
Title: The Texas Resistance
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings:Jeff/Jensen/Jared, Jensen/OMC, Christian Kane
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]Per the author: Threesomeness, a multitude of consent issues (no out and out non-con), a lot of angst, and some bastardisation of global problems.

Length:20,913 words
Summary: In occupied Texas you can fight back or just fight to survive. The Texas Resistance provides an opportunity for those brave or stupid enough to want to free Texas from its oppressors. Jeff, Jared, and Jensen have all chosen different routes within the Resistance movement. They all fight and struggle in their own ways, and maybe they can all find each other in the end.

Reccer's notes: Written for her 2009 spn_j2_bigbang , this AU story is a wonderfully written, angsty and emotional look at three men involved in the Resistance of occupied Texas. I loved the detailed descriptions and the atmosphere the author created, which really pulled me into the story. There's also some great art by sillie82 that you won't want to miss!

c: jensen ackles, c: jeffrey dean morgan, *moresomes, fic: 15-50k, p: jared/jeff/jensen, c: jared padalecki, ^fic

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