[Podfic] baylorsr: Apocalypse Z

Jul 17, 2013 16:01

[ Themed: Podfic ]
Title: Apocalypse Z
Reader: baylorsr
Writer: baylorsr
Alternate links: Audiofic Archive
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean, Cas (gen)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]violence typical of Supernatural
Podfic length: 2 hours, 21 minutes
File type: Available as mp3 and as m4b
Fic summary: It’s the zombie apocalypse, and Sam, Dean and Castiel are just trying to get to Bobby’s in one piece. And not undead.

Reccer's notes: Apocalpyse Z is the podfic that, while not the first podfic I'd ever listened to, made me fall in love with podfics in the first place. I generally rec it everywhere I go whenever someone asks for podfic recs for a newbie. The reading speed isn't too fast, which is good for us non native speakers, and the reader's accent isn't too hard to understand either after a few minutes of listening. The story itself takes place in late season 5 and thus contains various cameos of season 5 characters, like Chuck or Becky. The author tagged it as gen, though in my personal opinion it could be considered D/C pre-slash. Genre-wise it's not particularly scary, but mostly humorous (keep listening after the end of the story, the appendix is just as funny).

[Spoiler (click to open)]
Sam woke to find the television still on, Castiel still watching it. “How are things?” he mumbled, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

“Worse,” the angel said tersely.

Sam stood and stretched, cracking his neck. He went over to the window and found the curtain strings, knowing full well that the morning light was going to catch Dean right in his still-sleeping eyes and wake him up. He yanked and the curtains whipped open.

Five zombies were lined up at the window, their faces pressed to the glass. They groaned with enthusiasm at the sight of the room’s occupants. It was like, Sam thought, the world’s worst paparazzi.

Aside from the podfic, there's also the fic itself, a soundtrack, and art since it was written for the Supernatural Big Bang 2010.

c: castiel, podfic: 1:01-3:00 hr, c: dean winchester, *gen, c: sam winchester, ^podfics, audio format: mp3, *themed, audio format: m4b

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