[Podfic] unavoidedcrisis: I'd Marry Your Cat Just To Get In The Family

May 13, 2013 20:13

[ Invited Reccer: Rarepair FPF ]
Title: I'd Marry Your Cat Just To Get In The Family
sunspot (aka unavoidedcrisis)
Writer: wanttobeatree
Alternate links: Audiofic Archive
Pairing: Castiel/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]None
Podfic length: 00:09:05
File type: MP3
Fic summary: Written for woodstarling's prompt 'Dean gives Castiel all his lame pick-up lines and Castiel keeps trying to use them on Sam'.

Reccer's notes: Sometimes all you want to do is listen to something short, something that will make you smile, something that will cheer you up when you're feeling down. This is my go-to podfic when I need a quick pick-me-up. Not only is the premise hilariously lighthearted, but unavoidedcrisis's delivery is spot on. Her Castiel-voice is so flat and matter of fact that if you aren't cackling by the end of this podfic, you have nerves of steel or something. I listened to the first thirty seconds of this podfic to refresh my memory for this rec and I was already burying my face in my hands to muffle my laughter.

podfic: 0:00-0:20 hr, c: castiel, t: cursed, t: slash, *rarepair fpf, p: castiel/sam, c: sam winchester, ^podfics, t: crack, t: schmoop, *invited reccer

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