[ Challenges ]
kerfufflingAlternate links:
AO3Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Length: 41,242
Summary: When the wall crumbles for good, Sam loses all touch on reality, and Dean soon follows suit. Without any other options, Dean consults Castiel, who proposes an extreme solution: soul bondage. And although this is probably the worst plan in a line of really terrible ideas, Dean doesn't even hesitate, and the consequences of his actions spin out of control. Even as Sam and Dean begin to deal with their forced proximity and the even more disastrous emotional effect of their bond, a group of demons begin to promote anarchy in a little town in Nevada.
Reccer's notes: This author captures Sam and Dean's personalities to perfection and does a beautiful job weaving soul bonding (one of my favorite tropes) within canon.