Title: Isolation Chamber Writer: counteragent Alternate links: On Ao3 Status of work: complete Characters and/or pairings: Dean/girl!Sam Rating: NC-17/Adult Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read](Well, incest.) Length: 2070 Summary: With a flick of the light switch, Dean shut the book of their life story and opened another, full of the scenes that didn’t fit. (Set in S3)
Reccer's notes: Hello! I will be reccing my FAVORITE fic trope this month--genderswap! My first two recs will be from recent events and this one is from salt_burn_porn which is still going on now. counteragent did such a stellar job with this fic--it's seriously such a gift. The language is gorgeous and evocative, setting the scene so clearly for the reader. And counteragent perfectly captures the manic desperate time late in S3 right before Dean's deal comes due. Girl!Sam offers a fresh take on this well-trod and well-loved period in canon. Plus, the whole thing is just blazing hot.
[Short NSFW excerpt]This was more real than anything they’d done so far. It was dark like always, but this time they were facing each other, standing, with not even the blur of alcohol or the dubious barriers of blankets and clothing to dilute the experience. It was one thing to have your brother spooned at your back for warmth on a hunt, to hear him breathe “shut your eyes” before you felt his hand drift lower and lower until it brushed over your clit through your underwear. It was one thing to bear down into it until you came as silent as you could, and then to press backward until his dick was grinding against your ass. It was one thing to do it more than once, twice, three times as the months sped by, as Dean’s last year drained away.... This was something else.