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Comments 6

spocksmentor March 6 2013, 15:34:39 UTC
I just found your J2 art - sorry I'm new to livejournal. Your work is so beautiful!


d0llface_h00ker March 7 2013, 03:00:39 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed the art, but Sunday779 made it. It's just so gorgeous that I wanted to share it with everyone so I recced it here.


runedgirl March 6 2013, 16:06:38 UTC
thanks for reccing this, it's gorgeous!


d0llface_h00ker March 7 2013, 03:07:48 UTC
I enjoy sharing the pretty. :) I just got home and let Sunday779 know it's been recced here so I'm hoping she'll come check out the comments and lj so maybe we can woo her into sharing the pretty here. ;D


firesign10 March 6 2013, 16:30:54 UTC
Oh My GOD that is both lovely and so adorable!! Jensen's smile! Jared's look of utter contentment! The beautiful draping of the red robe! Thanks for sharing this! Hope the artist comes here, because I can't comment on deviant.


d0llface_h00ker March 7 2013, 03:08:46 UTC
IKR! I just got home and let Sunday779 know it's been recced here so I'm hoping she'll come check out the comments and lj. Then maybe we can woo her into sharing the pretty here. ;D

ETA: Oh, and not sure if you know... you don't have to be an artist to join DA. You can join just to appreciate the art and leave comments. It's what I did.


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