Title: Real Men Don't Make Cheesecake Writer: apocalypsos Status of work: Complete Characters and/or pairings: Dean/OFC Rating: R Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]Bad language, sexual situations and references Length: 3,773 Summary: Dean takes home economics, and chaos ensues. And no, it's not his fault.
Reccer's notes: A hilariously awesome pre-series fic in which Dean takes home ec and it is glorious. Apocalypsos has teen!Dean's voice down pat, and she manages some really lovely moments with John and Sam in between the high school shenanigans. This fic is like a dose of concentrated awesome - the humor is ace, her OFC takes absolutely no shit from Dean, and guys. It's Dean Winchester in home economics. Definitely not a fic to miss!
[Short excerpt] Twelve students, all of which are girls except for the charming new guy with the gorgeous green eyes in the back of the classroom. One of the girls is this thin chick with ugly designer clothes one size too big and long dark wavy hair that could stand to be washed more often. She looks as if she raided her fatter sister's closet.
Ten of the girls are on the cheerleading squad.
It only takes Dean five minutes to see the advantages here.
I mean, c'mon, man. He's always been smarter than people give him credit for.