[FIC] fayedartmouth: Blowout

Jan 25, 2013 02:14

Title: Blowout
Writer: faye_dartmouth
Alternate links: Fanfiction.net
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]None
Length: 6,840
Summary: Dean learns how NOT to use a tire iron.

Reccer's notes: A rather humorous little fic if you want to think of it as that. Faye’s writing always is something much deeper than what it appears, which showcases itself in this fic in the form of Sam and Dean’s deeper issues with each other. Set in Season 1, Sam and Dean are having disagreements about this life and Dad that leads to unfortunate circumstances and understandings. Of course those understandings can’t happen unless someone is getting hurt.

[Short excerpt]Dean grunted. "Look, wise ass, it's my tire, okay? And since I seem to be the one doing everything around here, I suggest you can it or I will leave you on the side of this road."

c: sam winchester, fic: 5-15k, t: s1, c: dean winchester, *gen, ^fic

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