[FIC] corvus_imbrifer: Strangers in Gilead

Dec 01, 2012 22:23

Title: Strangers in Gilead
Writer: corvus_imbrifer
Alternate links: none that I know, of but this masterpost links to PDFs
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: Not rated but I'd say R
Warnings, kinks & contents: none
Length: c 40,000
Summary: The author says - "A period piece. Not typical with regards to structure, development, and vocabulary, so may not be everyone’s cup of whiskey, to be sure. I will claim it is ’avant guarde.’ Oh, and there is sex in it, but nothing that will make anyone *is ded*. And swearing."

Reccer's notes: This is written entirely from a wonderful 3rd party POV.  Set in the late 1800s, this is Frontierland before the show ever thought of the idea.  The language keeps the reader in the period without being inaccessible, and the whole time travel premise is really cleverly done, not a cliche in sight.  It was written way back in 2007 so there are probably not many people who haven't already read it but I love it so thought I'd rec it regardless.

*open reccing, *sam/dean, ^fic

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