[Fic] mya_rofki: To the Least Painful End

Oct 31, 2012 00:02

[ Other FPF ]

Title: To the Least Painful End
Writer: mya-rofki
Alternate links: http://archiveofourown.org/works/297486
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Gen, pre-slash Misha/Jared
Rating: Teen
Warnings, kinks & contents: Child Abuse, Animal Death
Length: 19825
Summary: 16 yr. old Jared comes to live with distant family after being abandoned by his mother. Misha (also 16) is still adjusting to the splitting up of his family during his parents divorce, and doesn't know quite what to make of this sullen stranger. Though Misha, his mother, and his friends try their best to welcome Jared into their circle, Jared's unhappy past make it impossible for him to imagine trusting anyone ever again.

Reccer's notes: This is just one of those stories I read when I want to see characters pushing through a rough patch in life. There are no twists and turn for this story and it’s more emotionally driven. Misha’s family has this flower-child vibe to it that keeps the Jared’s intense distress from being too emotionally draining and it by the ending, while everything is not suddenly okay, you’re left in a happy spot with a strong feeling things will get better. It’s my chicken noodle soup fic I think everyone should have.

c: misha collins, p: jared/misha, *other rpf, fic: 15-50k, c: jared padalecki, ^fic

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