[Art] i-have-a-hunger: Queen of Hell

May 06, 2013 20:52

[ Minor Characters: Meg ]
Title: Queen of Hell
i-have-a-hunger | salty-catfish
Alternate links: reccer's reblog
Characters and/or pairings: Meg, Crowley
Rating: nsfw
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]guro: decapitated head, blood
Medium: watercolour
Short description: Meg as Queen of Hell, holding a sword and Crowley's head.

Reccer's notes: And talking about potential Queens of Hell, I feel compelled to also rec this stunning watercolour piece (the fires! the sword! the details of their faces and their clothes! Meg's eyebrows!) that reinterprets Judith and Holofernes for Supernatural.

c: meg (demon), ^art, *minor character

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