[FIC] aelia1980: Promises

Jan 30, 2013 12:00

Title: Promises
Writer: aelia1980
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]sick!Jared, caring!Jensen
Length: 10,441
Summary: On a mini vacation before a convention, Jared catches what he thinks is nothing more than "a little cold". Even when it’s getting worse instead of better, Jared is too stubborn to cancel the con. Luckily, Jensen is there to help him through.

Reccer's notes: A little non-au friendship where Jared is sick and is too stubborn to call off the convention in fear of disappointing the fans. Of course Jensen feels guilty and does his best to take care of Jared until it gets to the point where it’s out of his hands. It’s a great friendship fic that gives you the warm fuzzies at imagining Jared and Jensen like this.

[Short excerpt]Struggling a little too loudly, Jared's gasps for air woke Jensen who had been slumbering in an armchair next to his bed. The pathetic sounds made him throw off all sleepiness at once, jumping up, hurrying over to Jared's side.

"Breathe, just breathe," he whispered, rubbing Jared's back comfortingly, the pajama shirt wet under his touch.

c: jensen ackles, fic: 5-15k, t: illness/injury (temporary), t: hurt/comfort, *gen, c: jared padalecki, ^fic

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