[fic] cherie_morte: the french correction

Jan 20, 2013 14:50

[ invited reccer: j2 ]
Title: The French Correction
Writer: cherie_morte
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings:
Rating: Jared/Jensen, Jared/Genevieve
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]infidelity
Length: 7,643
Summary: 6x15 - The French Mistake!Verse AU: Not so long ago, Jared and Jensen were in love. This is how they fell apart. This is how they came back together.

Reccer's notes: This is an impressive fic, which weaves what happened before with what's happening now in an incredibly masterful manner. It's non-linear but not confusing, and it adds a really beautiful element to the telling of the story. It is heart-wrenching in turns, to see the boys hating each other so in this 'verse and the reasons why, but the author makes it worth it in the end.

c: jensen ackles, fic: 5-15k, c: genevieve cortese, c: jared padalecki, *jared/jensen, *invited reccer, ^fic

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