[Fic] loneredsock: Fill You Up

Jan 18, 2013 15:59

[ Themed: Kink Meme Fills ]
Title: Fill You Up
Writer: loneredsock
Alternate links: LJ
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings, kinks & contents [Click to read]Extreme size difference (Dean is 6" tall), sounding, object insertion, wincest
Length: ~3k
Summary: Dean is temporarily tiny. He still wants to get fucked. It's a good thing he's resourceful.

Reccer's notes: This is as hysterically funny as it is hot. I love tiny Dean's can-do attitude, and the general affection between them.

[Short excerpt]Dean had taken to wearing a toga made out of an old handkerchief, flat-out refusing to let Sam pick him up any doll clothes the first time he got a decent look at the “Fashionista Ken” in the Walmart, peeking up over the edge of Sam’s breast-pocket and making his disapproval of tiny bow ties and glitter tee-shirts known with a glare and a kick that caught Sam right in the nipple.

t: illness/injury (temporary), *sam/dean, *themed, fic: 1-5k, t: crack, ^fic

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