So much nerd rage....

Sep 07, 2009 02:24

Exert from Twilight, Chapter 5:

"I'm trying to figure out what you are."

His jaw tightened, but he kept his smile in place with some effort.  "Are you having any luck with that?" he asked in an offhand tone.

"Not too much," I admitted.

He chuckled, "What are your theories?"

I blushed.  I'd been vacillating during the last month between Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker-

BITCH YOU LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS!  I mean SURE Bruce has enough mental/emotional issues that would make the most battle weary psychologists wet themselves and poor Peter just isn't allowed to have nice things at all ever and that sometimes turns him into an asshole, but GOD DAMN!  At least they never called over a gal saying they'd given up on staying away from her and then turned around and said that they should leave they were dangerous skin of the killer blah blah blah-

I really try to keep my general distaste for the books fairly private because I do know perfectly nice, intelligent people who like them.  Everyone has their guilty pleasures, right?  But... just... Rage.

Illogical?  God yes.  But only because Bruce, even when he was being the most ornery sonofabitch as he could be, in the end it was because (whether writers actually get this or not) he has a hard time expressing himself to the people he cares the most about and in the end the only thing he really wants is to protect and take care of everyone.  Yes, he can be an asshole, yes, he trusts people about as far as he can throw them, but all that stems from having too many people he wants to save and not knowing how to trust anyone else to help him protect those people without the people who are trying to help him getting killed in return.

And I'm not even going into How Edward Cullens is Not Like Peter Parker At All Ever.  That's just.  Urgh.  No.  Fuck you and your pop culture references.

raaaaaaaaaage!!, dana-nana-nana-nana-nana-batman!

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