It's just that all of the things I've been getting into are medical related.... Seriously, first this jdrama I'm watching called Medical Team Dragon and then this band LuLu (I shit you not. That is their name. They are friggin' impossible to reasearch).
Of course I'm watching Medical Team Dragon because I WAS reading the manga, but the translators haven't updated in forever and I need my fix. That and the guy they got to play Asada-sensei is....
Let's just say the old Anamaniacs' phrase ran through my head when I first watched that show. "Helloooooooooooo Nurse! <3 "
Today started off really badly, but now I feel so much better! My mum is the best or the worst person to give a wake up call, depending on your point of view....
"If you don't get a job soon, I don't see how you'll be able to go back to college, so you should work on that today," she said in a voice that indicated not only her unending disapproval of the situation, but also her supreme doubt that I would be able to achieve said goal and return to the greater South-Eastern region of the United States. "So you better get up soon."
No problem, ma.
Lemme just curl up in the fetal and cry my little emo heart out for an hour or so, then I'll be rarin' ta go.
But I was out of bed by 8 and secured my food handlers card and a job interview for tomorrow all before noon. Fear can be a wonderful motivator. I've more or less given up on finding a job in town, so thank God for all the rich people who can still afford the gas who are still going to the Sunriver area for vacation. Depending on how the job thing pans out, I may end up taking another term off from college and working. I'm hoping I can get back to Georgia in the fall though.
I have another job lined up that's an odd job, but they're apparently paying me 9 bucks an hour for it, which is pretty bloody marvelous no matter what it is. The job is clearing a lot by the way. I'm starting tomorrow after I go to a job interview/application thingy at the Twin Lakes Resort. So yeh...tomorrow will be packed.
I WANT THE WICKED SOUNDTRACK!! D: *has it playing over and over on youTube* I'm probably going to drive my little brother crazy. Our rooms are right next to each other and I've been blasting Rent and Wicked all day. XD
I really need to vent this... If I read one more shoujo manga where some dickhead decides to break up the main characters in order to get the girl to fall in love with him, but be completely obvious and even going as far as to tell the chick "I'm going to break you too up and then you're going to fall in love with me!" ...I swear to God, one more time and I'm gonna punch some guy in the face out of SPITE! PURE SPITE!
The girl's reactions always frustrate me too. Don't just friggin' stand there looking shocked! Some psycho fuck just told you he was going to break up your relationship and then you'll be expected to come to him and be all "ZOMG AH WAS WRONGZ, AH LOEV YOUUUUUU!!!"
Let's see some knee to groin action! Come on, damn it, you're wearing heels! Put those to use!
I know there was never really any feminist movement in Japan, so yeah, you're going to get things like that even if it's in a comic directed towards girls and yeah there are some tough girls who ain't takin' no shit from no one no how. But still... I'm a girl...I like my soppy love stories, really I do. But damn I am so tired of jerks like that. There's enough of them in real life who don't get what they deserve, I don't need them intruding on my escapism. I mean, it's awesome to see the whole Prince Charming, the man you love coming in to save you. I love romantic bs like that. But daaaaamn there are just some instances where the girls need to step up and tell that ass hole where he can shove it.
"Look, you son of a bitch, not only would I never in a million friggin' years go out with your ugly ass self, you ever get near me again after this, I will tazer your sorry ass until you're nothing but a ball of shorted out nerves and half cooked organs."
Just once I would like to see one of those cute little shoujo high school heroines pull out a line like THAT. I mean we get to see them stand up to the fan girls who pull the old "He's too good for you." yadda yadda, why not take it a step further? Tell the disapproving parent where to shove it! Tell the interfering wannabe lover to screw the hell off!
Although....then it might not be much of a shoujo manga with all that fighting.... -,-; What a problem...
Maybe I'll do something for Shoujo Phonebook that has to do with it. X3
WORK TOMORROW!! YOSH! Gotta be up around the same time I was today so I can get ready.
YOUR DAILY DOSE OF ....Morning Musume?
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On the one hand, they're playing into a lot of male fantasies... On the other they're teaching little girls how to be manipulative. ...When did I become so cynical about things like this?