Acrylic paint and blisters

Jun 27, 2008 20:51

David Bowie reminds me of Savannah in the spring. X3

I listened to the Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust a lot while I was walking to Pepe Hall for Art History.  That was such a pretty walk.. *dreamy eyes*  There's a lot of Miyavi's music and a couple bands make me think of Savannah too...  XJapan's Say Anything makes me think of rain at night. AFI remind me of Em and Junior year summer and the GazettE makes me think of AZ and Amie-chan's graduation (also that heinously long walk, which is another story in and of itself).  Weird how music does that, huh?

Oh yeah, remember how I swore after color theory there was no way in hell I'd ever work with acrylic paint come Hell or high water?

As it turns out....after Hell and high water comes mothers...

Mom is in charge of our church's involvement in the Relay for Life.  The  Relay for Life is a cancer awareness/charity program that basically involves a  lot of  people walking laps around and around the high school's track for a weekend.  That's been my observations of the event anyway.  How this is showing support for cancer patients and how exactly this raises funds to support research and health care was never exactly explained to me, but I was never called upon to participate in my youth so I chalked it up to one of those things grown ups do that don't really make any sense and left it at that.

Well I have been called upon!  To help at least...  There's about a three foot pillar in my room right now that used to be a part of our deck before my gran'pa remodeled the whole thing.  Now it's been painted a dark green and left in my room sitting atop some newspapers.  My mission ( and I have no choice but to accept it) is to paint the words "Celebrate" "Remember" "Fight back" and "Faith Walkers" on it.

In acrylic paint.  On a textured, colored surface.  Well....  It could be worse.

I'm just trying to figure out how I'm supposed to get dark purple paint to stand out against dark green paint....  Since I don't think I have any white paint, I'm thinking the answer is about a thousand layers of purple.  I have the Celebrate side done and it doesn't look all that bad.  Nothing to write home about, but it doesn't bring immortal shame upon my family name.  AND THAT'S WHAT WE'RE GOING FOR!!

In the Continuing Quest for A Summer Job, I had an interview yesterday!  I didn't bomb it, but he pretty much out right told me and the other girl who was there that the other girls he was going to interview would have to have foul personalities before he hired us.   Neither her or myself had waitressing experience hence that response.


Well then...

Oh yeah and my interview was the same time as someone who showed up for the same position.  That was a little awkward.  Very awkward.  I mean you can try to be polite, but still you're looking at someone who might get the job and ergo the money instead of you.   Was it some sort of weird glimpse into the future?

Anyway, that done, I think I'm pretty much settled on the bitter brush job.  Just to put an end to the frustration.

HOLY CRAP!  I have a blister on my foot! O.O  I think they might be from trying to walk to Amie-chan's house in my boots.  Not the smartest thing I've ever done.  Granted, if they're from that, that means it took me about a month to notice.  I are observant.  In my defense I've never actually HAD a blister before.

HAH!  I'm finishing uploading the con pictures to photobucket!!  I'ma SO spam the hell outta y'all!!  (With the lj cuts where appropriate.)  Which means I have to finish THIS entry!


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