So we have a house now! Awesome!
And we might have to get rid of the cats.... Quite the opposite of, but their mamas are working on that. (They aren't even mine and I just feel absoltely terrible about the possibility of having to put them in a shelter. orz)
Oddly enough... Even though I get all pissed off and fired up about discussions that relate to things that have to do with comics, I get... less so when it comes to things directly related to ME.
If people have issues with the things that make up part of me (my religion, my political stance or lack there of, my sexuality, ect.), they either don't bring it up or they're not someone close enough to me to matter. It's not worth my time to get riled up over someone who thinks my point of view is bullshit.
......Not to say that I don't anyway, but where I a more mature and even tempered person, it still wouldn't be worth the time.
Generally, I don't talk about these sorts of things unless it comes up. One never discusses religion, politics or the Great Pumpkin, as the man always says. But somehow or another I end up tripping over things that are from another person's point of view that is just... so utterly different than my own that I really never even stopped to consider it.
this and
And.. okay, part of what they're doing is fishing for trouble. Part of what they're doing is lashing out against the weird high school trend of teenage girls suddenly deciding they're going to date girls for a few years. Which is fine, but when you're that young and your reality is so narrow and focused, sometimes you can't help tipping your head and going "....Okay wait."
So pansexuality is the new trendy sexuality. Kay. Which is a weird thing to wrap my mind around because most people don't even know what pansexuality is to begin with.
Just reading a lot of the comments on those two stamps is kind of eye opening. I've never considered pan being more philosophical than sexual. I still don't. I mostly consider it "The definition that seems to sound most right for myself, so we're going with this until proven otherwise." Alternatively, I dig people. All types. All kinds. All those little inbetweens that fall through the cracks of that confusing mishmash of sex and gender and sexuality.
The idea that pansexuality really is just a form of bisexuality has occurred to me. I like to argue with myself and I like trying to define myself. It's... a really strange hobby to have, but until I start defining myself by a single definition or label rather than all the definitions and labels crammed together in one untidy package, I don't really think it's any cause to worry.
Also to totally jump the tracks for a minute, it really urks me when people DO try define themselves or those around them by a single label, especially when it's race or sexuality oriented. I know as a white bread gendernormative female, my opinon probably doesn't count for a hill of beans in the vast sea of violence and injustice these people have faced, but DAMN folks! Don't cookie cut yourself out to fit a single label!
AND THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE IN COMICS! (andherewego) Knock it off with this "Because she's a woman. Because he's black/asian/hispanic. Because he/she are trans." stuff!
Yes, an abnormal amount of bad things happen to minorities in comics, but a large amount of bad things happen to white males in comics too. It seems abnormally large because there aren't that many of these characters and yes, it's not fair and yes, it's stupid, but you have to understand that visibility is progress.
Look at all the shit roles women and minorities have been put in in the history of comics and look at where we are now. It's not unfathamoble to have a woman in charge or one of the key players in some of the most prominent superhero teams. And check out Luke Cage being all head of the New Avengers! Check out Vixen and Dr. Light. The Green Lantern who's will power exceeded the friggin' ring's capabilities? John Stewart. All of the best martial artists in the DCU? Female.
Hell, the person behind the world's most detailed and powerful informtation network is a woman in a wheelchair! And think about all the biracial couples in comics, even that's an acheivement.
And this took us what? 50 years to accomplish?
Keep in mind, you're fighting an uphill battle the entire time. Minority characters will always always get the short end of the stick. It's stupid, it's unjust and it's unfair, but wailing about it and accusing every death and every injury as being some sort of slight or prejudice against you isn't going to get us anywhere.
We have to let these characters get hurt and sometimes we have to let them die. And it doesn't have to be about their gender or sex or sexuality. If it's considered unhealthy for people to define themselves by a single label, we're not doing characters any favors by doing the same. Writers are going to treat these characters like glass or just not use them at all and then we'll be right back to square one.
Grit your teeth, get up and make it better. Your internet rage is just as impotent as mine.
This offtrack rant was brought to you today by the letters SHUT THE HELL UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Have a nice day.