Oct 24, 2005 12:10
Well Alot has been going on lately.......I got a tattoo on my foot....I work all ther freakin time lol but I love it. I have been hanging out with Natashia and Jay. I also got a rose from Nick for Sweetest day. But its like he likes me and everything but I dont have the same feelings for him. I dont want to lead him on and stuff cause I dont want to hurt him.....Me and Melissa got into a huge fight but everything good now between us.....Its crazy casue I dont get to her as much anymore cause we both work and she go to school. But anyways we (Steve, Nick, Me, Kristen, Jay and Natashia). Have been going to Haunted House's like every Sayurday. Its fun to get out and do something also but some of the Haunted House's sucked lol. Anyways yesterday (Me, Steph, Brett, Jenny, Jeff, Uncle Mark, and Mom all went to Canada for dinner at the Michigan Road House....We went for our Birthday. Also me and my sister went and got a pumpkin lol there cute. Then we all came back to the house and had Cake and Ice cream. YUM! Also swiched gifts. Then today im going to get my hair done!! im excited!!!! Also when im done me and Becky M. are going to hang out....im excited to see her awwww lol We are prolly going to southland mall and stuff so thats it for now!!!!!!