Nov 23, 2003 12:58
alright, I'd just like to explain my last post . Its actually a comic about what I did last night with my friend Andrew
so lets get to bussiness
Frame 1: Werido
The night BEgain At Babas. The Oringinal plan was to go to babas (is a bar) and see the oh so famous "Operation impact". To Andrews and mines dismay . After paying 5 $ at the door Operation Impact had just finished their set .We were kinda pissed but whatever , so we sat down at the a table and talked to Strangers . things kinda got Creepy so we got up and went outside .We went and talked to the operation Impact Crew for a while, then out of no wheres Eagan pulls up with a car load of girls .. he said "YO yo Ray ray whats up my cracker me and my bitttches are gonna hit up Brennans cause theres gonna be a after party (rave kinda deal) going down" .. Eagan then pulled away with his car load of slutz. After that we met up with some more friends (Jordo Walsh, Jamie fucking Power, and the incredably sexy supermodel hot Courtney Hurley)they left us and we headed to Brennans to the "after party" got there and hung out with with some of the same cool kids . making up Dance moves and such (The slot machine .. the pole dance, cruising unirvirsty ave , the model walk ).. After all of that They all got up and left now its Just Andrew and I and we were determine to have a good time . So first thing was , we ordered ourselves a rounds of cokes, while we Observed the strange behavoirs of the dance floor. In the first frame it is suppose to represent the after party... the stick man with with the boobs is suppose to be the one and only girl dancing . the stick man beside the girl is this older man (probably around 60 years old ) Dancing away and being creepy .. HE started jumping around and puting his arm around her . your basic creepy old man stuff .. oh the word that is impossible to read in that frame is Werido .. the girl is suppose to be saying that to the old man (I'm fucking god i know)
frame 2 and 3: Lick my nipples
ok another Character on the Dance floor was this guy who was wearing a wife beater and sunglasses . He danced like a moron. He also like to randomly put his wife beater over his head and beat his Chest as if he was playing the drums showing off his crappy tatoos
Frame 4 and 5: I'm stuck
After the "after party" was done . Andrew and I headed to action corner on Unirversity ave. there we encounter an ambulence 2 firetrucks and 3 police cars .. we inmediately checked it out . There was a man stuck in a basement window in some random building police were all around . it took them 20 minutes to get the poor bastard out. Andrew and I just kinda stood there and made fun of him the whole time
Frame 6: look at my butt
Andrew and I still being on action corner decided to go grab a slice on our way over. We had stumbled into the middle of a fight, of an older man and a younger guy. The older guy wanted to kick the younger dudes ass. HE had his fist up as it was a boxing match taking place in 1920. so the younger guy walks across unirvirsity ave and the Older guy follows him in a fighting stance .. the younger guy yells "here comes the pain" then he dropped his pants and bent over ....
Frame 7: I'm fat and have belly button hair
I think that one speaks for itself