looking into your eyes.

Jul 12, 2009 12:19


im glad that i get to book out on friday. im glad that time in camp pass fast with all the waiting time and lectures. orientation week cum admin stuff. im glad with my bunkmates being all so nice, i think my bunk is the super fun and noisy bunk but im sad that im crossing over to ERS tommorow. if we spend 7 weeks together in brtc im sure our bond would be unbreakable. im looking forward to ERS, please bring all the physical in come come i want to be fit fitter fittest in there. 6 hours more before i book in and hit back the regimental lifestyle. now i come to understand the booking in feeling and booking out feeling. one is totally shitty the other is orgasmic feeling. i realised that i dont have enough time for everything during the weekend but im glad i saw the tiongxim on fri. celebrated syakir's birthday. happy birthday sharky i love you loads loads though i nv go to the bar cos im super super tired. saturday - met up with lou and ed for brunch. someone to hear my whining when im out. bought loads of stuff for ers. white shirts, starch, my new padlock. met up with mel after that, shopping shopping was good. cap hunting and well i bought shirt =) had sushi tei for dinner. yummyummy. nize meet up =) wenta zouk with ong,any,tom,ben,jay,ford and constance. awesome music by agnellic & nelson, the crowd was superb and well the music is love. saw the usual faces in zouk. happy that they all of em rem me and ask the standard question " wassup with your hair " haha. well im booking in @ 2000 and i have to be out @ 1800. my last night in alpha coy tiger platoon bunk 6. im gonna miss the lads. just hope that i can make it all the way to occifer course. well im done blogging and well wait for my nxt book out people. all in all, one hell of a weekend.
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