will I paint my car? I feel random today

Nov 23, 2005 15:08

So unbeknownst to my parents, I have plans to paint my car.. orange.
this should be interesting

Cousins are coming up tomorrow for thanksgiving, that should be fun

Marching band will be on tv on friday... we're in the macy's parade in seattle, and we have a little camera dance all planned out :)

it's cold outside. that's obviously an understatement

Apparently, Micheal T.. the actor who plays bubba in forest gump called my dad.. they've known eachother from LA and he took singing lessons from my dad.. but he says that he's going to fly up here soon after his next movie is done.. so bubba from forest gump will be in MY house. that's spiffy

im tired.Still.

time to get a sweatshirt...
ok got a sweatshirt.

I got pulled over by a cop a little while ago.. i had a headlight out. no ticket or anything, he had to run off to an accident. he was suprisingly nice. I was suprisingly calm.

I finished a bunch of stuff for school.. now much less stress for thanksgiving

I'm working and making awesome progress on my 3d animation
me gusta

I've been working a lot. Strange people come in to sir plus. probably the weirdest of the weird. sometimes i get nothing but awkward stares and then an odd question to add to the complexity.

I was actually ready for my presentation today. that's crazy. I'm crazy.

I'm now addicted to green tea. Even the stuff they sell at school. I forgot my tea one morning but had my empty tea mug. So i bought some at school and filled it up. now im hooked to it.

im going to finish cleaning my room now.

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